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Версия для слабовидящих

Internet addiction.

The wide spread of home computers, the ease of the Internet to network, computerization of school and student training programs, a large number of computer clubs and Internet salons promote a relatively new problem: the appearance of Internet addiction in children and adolescents. Almost all of them pass the stage of enthusiasm and although many of them become regular users in future, some proceed into the category of internet addicts.

Internet addiction - is a broad term for a large number of behavioral problems and control impulses.

The most common are computer games. The psychological addiction similar to drug addiction is forming quickly enough. he child is alienated from the live communication with peers and adults. As a result, there are a variety of disorders of mental and speech development. The traditional game, which is needed for normal mental development of the child and his personal formation is replaced. There is human alienation from the cultural heritage of his people, his country. All screen aesthetics based on other cultures (mainly Americanized) images, characters, interiors, landscapes. Many computer games contribute to the awakening and kindling of harmful impulses and passions: an unhealthy excitement, deceit, envy, ambition, vanity, greed, anger, pride, aggressiveness. The restructuring of the consciousness in the negative way takes place. Through some computer games the child comes into contact with demons, monsters, vampires and likens to  them involuntarily. Wandering in the maze of computer,  the child virtually, but participates in the murders of  not only monsters but also of  peer-players. The child transgresses and blurs the forbidden line, which separates the concept of "can not" and "can", "bad and good", "good and evil". Mental tension  arising in the course of a computer game causes stress.

RPG computer games (ie, those in which the player enters into the role of computer character) change the representation of the person about himself and the world, in some cases enhances anxiety and maladjustment. Role playing games that are  often not designed for children can affect the formation of personality in the period of active socialization, social and psychological adaptation, assimilation of social roles. Violation of the mental state of the players are clearly visible. This is noted by their parents and they often by themselves. There are some persistent abnormal mental status indicators - depressed mood, mood, activity, excessive levels of trait anxiety may be noted. This indicates maladjustment, inadequate perception of the surrounding world. Anxiety increases with increasing dissonance between "I" virtual, which is immortal, and can do everything in the virtual world, and the "I" real ", which is a mere mortal man. Anxiety increases addiction which and vise versa.

Precautionary measures:

- Control of game content. Excluding violence games, cruel, satanic themes, elements of religious rituals.

-Limiting game time.   6-7 year old children should play less than 10 min.  8-11 years old children can play 15-20 min. For teenagers, high school students 30 minutes of "hard" games is enough.

- Keep a distance of 30-40 cm to the computer.

- Adhere to the rule not to play before going to bed.

Healthcare Institution «Kalinkovichi Central District Hospital»

Psychiatrist Kuis Tatiana Antonovna.

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