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Версия для слабовидящих

Instruction for especially dangerous infections tourist.

When leaving to foreign countries you need to know that in some of them there is a real possibility of getting especially dangerous infectious diseases, which are characterized by severe clinical course, lesions of the vital organs and body systems and can lead to death.

According to the World Health Organization especially dangerous infections are recorded mainly in Asia, Africa and South America.

With the development of international and commerce tourism the cases when our citizens where infected with especially dangerous infections became more frequent due to non-fulfillment of mandatory preventive measures.

We want to familiarize you with the most severe, particularly dangerous infectious diseases and measures for their prevention.


In recent years there has been an increase in the number of countries where the disease is registered.

The regions with the highest cholera rate:

  • at the European and Asian continents: India, Laos, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Turkey, Afghanistan;
  • in the America: Bolivia, Brazil, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Peru, El Salvador;
  • in Africa: Angola, Burundi, Ghana, Guinea, Nigeria, Somalia, Chad, Uganda, Tanzania, Sierra Leone.

The cases of cholera where also admitted on the territory of Post Soviet republics.

Cholera - a dangerous infectious disease. Incubatory (hidden) period is from several hours to 5 days. Pathogens-vibrio cholera, which penetrate the human body through the mouth with contaminated water and food.

The main way of transmitting - through water, in which the vibrio get  with  sick persons feces. Rivers, ponds may be contaminated with sewage water. From the waters of cholera pathogen can enter the body through ingestion of water while swimming through the dishes, vegetables and fruit, washed in raw water. Risk factors may include foodstuffs infected during their transportation, storage and cooking.

The most dangerous products are those that do not require  heating - jellies, salads, raw vegetables, milk. Infection is possible and through contaminated household items (dishes, linens, etc..).

Characteristic features of Cholera are diarrhea and vomiting, which lead to dehydration, which is extremely dangerous for human life. The treatment is possible only in hospital.

You should be aware of the symptoms that may indicative the cholera disease (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, dizziness), you must immediately seek medical help. Self-medication can aggravate your condition and lead to the most tragic consequences.

Anyone travelling to the countries where the risk of getting a Cholera is high should know the measures of prevention and follow them.

Plague and its prevention

Plague is one of the acute infectious diseases belonging to the group of extremely dangerous.

Both human and animals may be infected by plague. The causative agent of plague constantly exist in nature. It affects rodents, which are the main carriers of the infection. Fleas infesting rodent transfer plague.

Natural areas of plague exist on all continents except Australia and Antarctica. Cases of human infection with plague are registered in India, Zimbabwe, Madagascar, Mozambique, Malaysia, Vietnam.

The infection occurs through the skin due to the bite by infected flea or contact with infected rodents. In this case the person gets skin-bubonic, bubonic plague, when the lymph nodes are increased. If the treatment is not performed in time the plague may be complicated by pulmonary. The disease may spread through airborne way due to the contact with the person infected with pneumonic plague. Pneumonic plague is considered the most dangerous form of the disease. Therefore, it is important to  access to a doctor in time at the sudden appearance of symptoms such as high temperature, chills, severe headache, severe oppressive state, shortness of breath, coughing up blood.

The time that passes from the moment of getting the plague bacillus in the body of a healthy person before the first symptoms - from several hours to 6 days.

Infection through items such as luggage is unlikely.

The plague may be cured only if the treatment is performed as early as possible. In order to prevent the disease the restrictive measures that are defined for each country where the cases where admitted should be observed.

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