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March 1 –The international drug fight day.

The problem of nonmedical drug, psychotropic, toxic and other intoxicating   substances  consumption became urgent for most of the countries all over the world including Belarus  nowadays.

Narcotism- is a serious psychological decease, which is caused by incidental or forced drug consumption, leading to the drug addiction. The most typical feature of narcotism is a irresistible desire or the obsession to continue drug substance consuming and get it any possible way. Modern drug substances are able to cause such an addiction after the first consuming.

The effects of such a decease are extremely dangerous, as they violate the inner organs, nervous system functions and cause the personality degradation.

Drugs- the chemical substances of  vegetable or synthetic nature, which are able to cause changes in psychological state.

The substances  that are able to cause the equal to drugs effect on the central nervous system are also dangerous.

To psychoactive substances are carried: drugs, some pharmacological substances, toxical substances(glue, gasoline), alcohol, tobacco. The so called «Spice» (vegetable smoking mixture) is popular among youth.

It is known that psychoactive substances affect the brain functioning. The harmful psychological effect of drug abuse is perception of reality distortion, felling of invincibility, absence of self-control ,   unmotivated anger, hopelessness or depression.

The main category of society affected by drug abuse is youth, therefore most of the preventive efforts are aimed on such a category.

It should be always remembered that:

-The person differentiating «strong» and «weak» drugs and telling that the last mentioned are harmless is a liar.

-First time drug consuming carries short time pleasure but in future the amount of  drugs taken at single consuming multiply increases. Modern drugs are able to cause such an addiction from a single consuming.

-Drug intoxication causes loss of interest to living, leading to the loneliness and suicide.

-Not prohibition, nor the freedom of drug taking safe from drug addiction.

It is necessary to mention that there are too many consequences of drug addiction and they are too serious to not be noticed. The anti-drug efforts should be made simply because consuming drugs one ceases to act as free and responsible person.

Within  The international drug fight day  the March 1st there will be organized live phone line with the narcologist of the Kalinkovichi «Central district hospital» tel. 3-34-89. From 12 to 13 AM.

The cabinet of forming the healthy lifestyle of the Kalinkovichi «Central district hospital»

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