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Healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition.

A healthy lifestyle should be formed since childhood, and then taking care of their own health will be a natural form of behavior. The earlier this work is begun the better will be the results. Very good sign if it begun at preschool and even better if it begins at family itself ( though most parents have no idea themselves). The ideal and tasty meal for most of the children in elementary school is a hamburger and bottle of Coca-Cola. One of the most attractive points of a school trip (organized by the teacher) - visit  to the "McDonalds". And it is normal. Well, dear adults, your future is in your hands.

The best idea is to attach a person to conduct a healthy way of life  at an early age. The child himself should be able to be not only healthy, but also to raise healthy children in the future. Not the last role in this matter is  given to the school: to form thinking, aimed at a healthy lifestyle, to restore the authority of the family as the basic social institution, forming the health of each individual and its distinctive character, to revive the moral guidelines.  To help the child in realizing his own «I» , finding out the proper relationship with surrounding world and people.  It is important that the learning process of  every child formed a special mood of joy, tenderness and kindness to himself.

The basis of health - proper nutrition. Eating right - is an art, which should be  taught since childhood. However it is the main factor of proper functioning of nervous system.

- Carbohydrates. They are produced from sugar, various cereals, breads, vegetables, jams. But in order to digest nutrients   special substances enzymes are required that contribute to the chemical change of food.

- Protein – are  a kind of bricks, construction material. Think of what built the chicken in the egg? The chicken in the egg is built of protein! Human cells also consist of a protein, and thus the person grows. Some products are rich in protein while others are less.

Meat, fish, nuts, cheese, cottage cheese, beans are rich in protein. Proteins, in fact, a kind of bricks. But to build a house, a person needs cement - calcium. Otherwise, all the cells scattered like bricks without cement.

Other elements are also important. These are substances existing in nature: iron, copper, zinc, sulfur, manganese, lead and  iodine. All those elements may be found in products rich in vitamins. The level of iron and other metals is low in human body but they are essential  for living.

Fat - a food and fuel depot in case of illness or hunger. When Head starts hunger, stomach in  panic telephones his boss - the brain: "Help, help! No food. What to do? And that's when the brain commands. Eat yourself! And then all  the barns and storehouses and cellars are beginning to supply food  and fuel. Long carts with carbohydrates and especially fat are pulling in. As long as warehouses are emptying the man becomes thinner until he is basically skin and bones and is not able to pronounce a word. Only the main organs heart and brain do not lose the spirit and work until the last drop of fuel.

Also the vitamins and mineral salts which are required to cleave proteins, fats and carbohydrates making them edible for cells are necessary. Only such kind of a nutrition may lead to proper development of the body.

We have already mentioned that some products are rich in proteins, others in fat while some are  rich in carbohydrates. Our diet should be rich in all the mentioned elements. It is called balanced diet.

What should be remembered about the nutrition.

A man receives a lot of knowledge during lifetime, but he is not always following them. Probably every person knows that the disordered nutrition is unhealthy.  However many people eat randomly ( not mentioning scheduled nutrition) . Sometimes they starve for a long time while sometimes they spend half of the day at the table eating so much food that until it is difficult to breathe. Sometimes they eat cold eat on the run not chewing the food enough. Sometimes people follow the barbarian diets which they learned from doubtful sources and torture they body as a result. They also do not mind what they are eating and consume to much spicy and fat food or drink coffee one cup after another or swallow bisquits like there is no tomorrow. And it takes a little time before the diseases of stomach, liver or gall bladder appear. And the person continues to complain about his figure that it is difficult to fit in the jeans, becomes shy to undress on the beach and even has difficulties with breathing. Some people even organize contests on who can eat more chickens, drink eggs or «pepci».  It is better to stop as sson as possible and not count on mightiness of your body. There is no need to wait until you find out about any diseases. All is needed is to organize properly your day regime and to follow it day by day. Which actually does not require much effort.

In addition, the food must meet the energy requirements of the body. Depending on the occupation and the number of energy needs  people are divided into four groups:

1)People engaged in intellectual work: scientists, doctors, teachers, students, etc. Their daily amount does not exceed 3000 calories.

2) light physical labor workers, mainly mechanized: drivers, machinists, turners, etc. The energy expenditure of this group is 3,500 calories.

3)This group includes people who do heavy physical labor: blacksmiths, machine operators, fitters. They spend at least 4000 calories.

4)People engaged in heavy physical labor. These include miners, loggers, diggers and so on. Their work becomes  more mechanized with time, and it is  less frequent to find  the man with a shovel outside. But still. Daily cost of this group - 4500-5000 calories.

Besides the fact that the food should be taken at certain times, it must be respected even its favorable temperature.  Do not take scalding hot food - this can lead to cancer of the oral mucosa, as well as of esophagus and stomach. Cold dishes are also should be avoided.

It is also forbidden to consume hot meals after cold ones and vise versa as the rapid temperature change may damage teeth.

You do not need to get involved in products having high cholesterol. It is the brain, liver, egg yolk, and others. Cholesterol has the ability to accumulate in the body. Particularly dangerous accumulations of fat in the form of lumps on the inner surface of blood vessels. This condition is called atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis reduces the total volume of the circulatory system - hence developing hypertension, the disease, which  main symptom is elevated blood pressure. The atherosclerosis complications may affect the heart. The vessels that are supplying heart are covered with fat from the inside which means that the heart muscle receives less blood, oxygen and other nutrients which leads to violation of heart supply followed by myocardial infarction.

Drinking of big amounts of water can also be harmful. And we often do that after eating something sweet or salty. It is important to consume reasonable amounts of sweet, salty as well as water. Sometimes there is no use in drinking the whole liter of water to eliminate the thirstiness as the liquid is absorbing 10-15 minutes in human body and then the thirstiness is completely eliminated. Sometimes the half of the cup may do the trick. That is why the best idea is to eliminate thirstiness gradually . 2-3 gulps and if it did not help repeat that in 10 minutes.

The main task of the nourishment is the covering of the body requirements in various food ingredients-proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, mineral salts. But it must be remembered that the children's growing body requires a relatively large amount of protein because protein is an essential building material. The number of proteins required to teenagers, is calculated simply: two grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. If a teenager weighs 50 kg, then it is necessary to consume 100 gr. of protein daily.

The significant feature of proteins is that they cannot be synthesized in body from fats or carbohydrates. The body needs proteins themselves. It cleaves them to amino acids, which are formed into proteins.

Fats and carbohydrates also serve as a construction material in the body. But their main value - providing the body with energy. Fats and carbohydrates are able to convert into one another. This possibility of converting carbohydrates into fat and carbohydrates into fats allows the body to adapt to changing environmental conditions, be more flexible and not lose performance due to  some qualitative changes in the structure of food.

Optimal variant relations of food proteins, fats and carbohydrates as follows: proteins 14%, fat - 30% carbohydrate and - up to 56%.

It is important to schedule food consumption as the body is preparing to meals in advance. Such a preparation is a one of the adaptive mechanisms providing the better digestion with low energy expendables. Violation of the normal rhythm of nourishment lead to  digestive disorders and painful conditions, resulting in rapid wear of the digestive organs.

Good idea to reduce the amount of consumed sugar as the increased blood sugar level may lead to disorders of kidneys and other diseases.

The person consuming too much salty food is risking to face heart and kidneys diseases. Any nourishment disruptions may shorten our life.

Cabinet of Healthy lifestyle formation

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