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The state of depression, how to help yourself?

Depression is an unhealthy state that takes place in cases when the emotions, that people experience are too strong or last for a long period of time. Depressive feelings may be caused by death of somebody beloved, divorce, job loss, conflict with close friends, though they may develop without any obvious reason.

The presence of depression may be presupposed in cases if depression deprives the person from the ability to live. Depression may continue for several years if not treated. Depression affects almost all the spheres of life: appetite changes, sleeping violates, the life-activity and productivity decreases, the feeling of self-unimportance and uselessness develops. Depression leads to the rapid  decline of self-appraisal.  The self-image becomes completely negative. The inner state  «I am the worst»  becomes constant.

The part of population suffer from seasonal depression, which takes place usually during autumn or winter. It is a serious form of depression that may be observed mainly in regions where the seasonal weather changes are more expressed.

Among the variety of signals, indicating the danger to the psychological state the most universal is considered sleeping violations. To sleeping violations should be carried:

-difficulties falling asleep;


-superficial sleeping with unpleasant dreams and frequent arising;

-early arising.

Interesting enough are recommendations of the west German researcher Alfred Birach in his book «Victory over insomnia». They are based on complete relaxation and are performed in a following sequence: «Relax all muscles of the body lying on your back. Try not to think about anything, calm down. Find a spot on the ceiling that would keep your sight  over the forehead-towards the back of the head and look at it uninterruptedly. The tears may come in about 2-3 minutes. Wait until your eyes close. Now being completely relaxed you may  take a suitable position and fell asleep».

Everything depends on how the person is reacting on stressful situations and depression. Everyone reacts in his own way.  Try to value objectively everything that seems to be catastrophic or tragic at first. Make only possible plans. It may return you the feeling of confidence that you are capable of something. Everyday you should do something that brings you pleasure-delicious food, warm bath or communication with someone interesting. Do not carry your worries inside, try to express everything to people you trust, do not stay alone.

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